上午办完事已经11点了. 急急忙忙我就往回走. 苏格兰国家美术馆就在火车站边, 花两个小时看看然后就近吃个午饭正好可以赶两点的火车. 这个美术馆果然没有让我失望, 两个小时里见识了好几百年来的许多大画家的作品. 请看我看中的几幅, 等我囊中不那么羞涩就买上一两幅 :) 按购买计划先后顺序: (All from the National Gallery of Scotland collection online catalog)
Lady Agnew of Lochnaw (1865 - 1932) 1892, John Singer Sargent, oil on canvas, 127cm x 101 cm.
Reverend Robert Walker (1755 - 1808) Skating on Duddingston Loch, about 1795, Sir Henry Raeburn (爱丁堡本土画家), oil on canvas, 72.20cm x 63.50cm.
Diego Martelli (1839 - 1896), 1879, Edgar Degas, oil on canvas, 110.40cm x 99.80 cm .
Poplars on the Epte (1891), Claude Monet, oil on canvas, 81.80cm x 81.30 cm .